Ensemble Via Nova was featured as the guest ensemble at the
2nd International ilSUONO Contemporary Music Week 2017!
Ensemble Via Nova has been invited all the way from Weimar, Germany to give one concert during this year's academy. The concert will take place on Wednesday, July 19, 2017. The program of the concert will include both works by participants of the academy, through an internal call-for-scores, and works by German composers.
Via Nova Ensemble was founded by the composer Johannes K. Hildebrandt. It is an unconducted ensemble, based in the state of Thuringia in Germany, and advances the interpretation of chamber contemporary music that incorporates also electronics and theatrical elements.
The ensemble has played in important concerts and festivals in Germany. It is featured as the ensemble-in-residence at the new music festival Weimarer Frühjahrstage, performing the repertoire of the composition competition for chamber music.
Additionally, the ensemble is dedicated in collaborating with young composers. Via Nova is the mentor ensemble of the Youth Ensemble of contemporary music in Thuringia.The virtuoso musicians of the ensemble are former students of the University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar and, nowadays, work in orchestras like the Orchestra Philharmonic of Jena and the Orchestra of the German National Theater in Weimar.

Marianna Schürmann – Flute
Moritz Schneidewendt – Clarinet
Nikita Geller – Violin
Daniel Gutiérrez – Violoncello
Lukas Fischer – Piano
Neza Torkar – Accordion
Guest musician: René Münch – Percussion
Guest musician: Carolina Krogius – Soprano
Facebook: facebook.com/ViaNova.eV