Born in Pisa in 1973, Francesco Filidei graduated from the Conservatory of Florence and the Paris Conservatoire. As organist and composer, he has been invited by the most important festivals of contemporary music, perfomed by orchestras such as the WDR, the SWR, the RSO Wien, ORT, RAI, the Tokyo Philharmonic and the Bavarian Radio, and by ensembles such as 2e2m, Linea, L’Itinéraire, Alter Ego, NEM, EOC, Intercontemporain, Les Percussions de Strasbourg, Klangforum, Cairn, Musikfabrik, Recherche, Ascolta, Next Mushroom Promotion, Tokyo Synfonietta, Ars Ludi, Icarus, Ictus, Signal, Neue Vocalsolisten, and particularly at the Berlin and Colgone Philharmonies, Cité de la Musique (Paris), Suntory Hall and Tokyo Opera, Theaterhaus Vienna, Munich Herkulessaal, Zurich Tonhalle.

After obtaining a commission from the IRCAM Reading Committee in 2005, he was awarded the Salzburg Music Forderpreistrager (2006), the Takefu Prize (2007), the Siemens Forderpreistrager (2009), the UNESCO Picasso / Miró Medal of the Rostrum of Composers (2011), the Abbiati Prize (2015). He was composer-in-residence at the Schloss Solitude Academy in 2005, member of the Casa de Velázquez in 2006 and 2007 and resident at the Villa Medici in 2012-13. He is a fellow of the DAAD Berlin and composer-in-residence at 2e2m in 2015. He has taught composition at Royaumont (“Voix Nouvelles”), the University of Iowa, Takefu, the International Young Composers Academy in Tchaikovsky City, and at Barga inaudita. His works are published by Rai Trade.
